8 Genius Tips And Tricks To Attract More Hummingbirds To Your Garden

7 Min Read
Attracting hummingbirds to your garden is like inviting nature’s tiny jewels into your personal space. These vibrant, energetic creatures are a joy to watch and can bring a touch of magic to your garden. If you’re wondering how to make your garden more appealing to these delightful birds, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore eight genius tips and tricks to attract more hummingbirds to your garden.

Understanding Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are among the smallest birds in the world, yet they are also some of the most captivating. Did you know they can flap their wings up to 80 times per second? These incredible birds have a rapid metabolism and need to eat frequently to sustain their high energy levels. They primarily feed on nectar, which provides them with the sugar they need for energy, and they also consume small insects for protein.

Why Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden?

Hummingbirds are not just beautiful; they play a crucial role in pollination. As they move from flower to flower, they help in the pollination process, which is essential for plant reproduction. Additionally, having hummingbirds in your garden can be a great indicator of a healthy, thriving ecosystem.

Native Plants for Hummingbirds

To attract hummingbirds, start by planting native flora. Native plants are more likely to thrive in your region and provide the nectar that hummingbirds seek. Some great choices include bee balm, trumpet vine, and columbine.

Flower Colors and Shapes

Hummingbirds are particularly attracted to bright colors, especially red, pink, and orange. Additionally, tubular-shaped flowers are perfect for their long, specialized beaks. Consider planting a variety of these flowers to create a vibrant and inviting garden.

Providing Water Sources

Water is essential for hummingbirds, not just for drinking but also for bathing. Traditional bird baths can be too deep for these tiny birds, so opt for shallow baths or ones specifically designed for hummingbirds. Adding misters or drippers can create a more appealing water source, as hummingbirds love to fly through the mist to bathe.

DIY Hummingbird Water Features

If you’re feeling crafty, consider making your own hummingbird water feature. A simple DIY project could be a shallow dish with a small fountain pump to create a gentle, continuous flow of water. This not only provides a water source but also adds a lovely focal point to your garden.

Offering Food Sources

Nectar feeders are a great way to supplement the natural food sources in your garden. Opt for feeders with bright red accents to attract hummingbirds. Make sure to clean the feeders regularly and refill them with fresh nectar to prevent the growth of harmful mold and bacteria.

Natural Food Sources

In addition to nectar from feeders, hummingbirds also eat insects. Encourage a healthy insect population by maintaining a pesticide-free garden. Plants like sunflowers and cosmos can attract insects that hummingbirds will then feed on.

Ensuring Safety and Comfort

Provide safe nesting sites by incorporating small trees and shrubs where hummingbirds can build their nests. Plants like willow and maple are ideal for this purpose. Ensure these areas are quiet and protected from strong winds and heavy foot traffic.

Protecting Hummingbirds from Predators

Keep your garden safe from predators such as cats and larger birds. Use birdhouses or netting to offer shelter and consider placing feeders and water sources in areas that are less accessible to potential threats.

Avoiding Harmful Chemicals

Hummingbirds are sensitive to pesticides and other chemicals. Maintain an organic garden to ensure the safety of these delicate creatures. Use natural pest control methods and organic fertilizers to keep your garden hummingbird-friendly.

Enhancing Your Garden for Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds need places to rest and survey their territory. Adding perches, such as thin branches or specially designed hummingbird perches, can give them a place to rest and feel safe.

Adding Decorative Elements

Consider adding decorative elements like garden stakes with bright red or orange decorations. These can catch the eye of passing hummingbirds and encourage them to investigate your garden.

Maintaining Your Garden

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your garden attractive to hummingbirds. This includes deadheading flowers to encourage more blooms, cleaning feeders and water sources, and ensuring that plants are healthy and vibrant.


Attracting hummingbirds to your garden is a rewarding endeavor that brings both beauty and ecological benefits. By understanding their needs and creating a welcoming environment, you can enjoy the company of these mesmerizing birds. Follow these tips, and soon enough, your garden will be a buzzing haven for hummingbirds.


1. How often should I refill my hummingbird feeders?

It’s best to refill your hummingbird feeders every 3-4 days, especially during hot weather, to ensure the nectar stays fresh and free of mold.

2. Can I use store-bought nectar for my feeders?

While you can use store-bought nectar, it’s easy and cost-effective to make your own by mixing four parts water to one part sugar. Avoid using honey or artificial sweeteners.

3. What time of year do hummingbirds visit gardens?

Hummingbirds typically visit gardens from early spring through late summer. However, the exact timing can vary depending on your location.

4. Do hummingbirds return to the same garden each year?

Yes, hummingbirds are known to return to the same gardens each year, especially if they find a reliable source of food and water.

5. How can I keep ants away from my hummingbird feeders?

To keep ants away, use ant moats or traps, which can be attached to the feeder. You can also apply a small amount of petroleum jelly on the feeder’s hanging wire to prevent ants from reaching the nectar.

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